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Thermal Camera & Visual Image Fusion by Jonatan Asensio Palao

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Introduction of the changes

The Real Time Clock implementation in the design has been upgraded by using a 32.768 Hz crystal, tacking the following aspects:

Changes to use a 32kHz crystal

The PIC16F886 has all the circuitry required for driving an external crystal 32.768 Hz in Timer1. However depending on other properties of the crystal (e.g. load capacitance) we will also require certain other discrete components.

From what I have learnt in this process I got the following conclusions:

Finally I chose the following (limited also by what I had in stock):

Finally, this complete implementation turned out very well as the PIC consumption while timer 1 is counting and the PIC is sleeping it rounds up to ~3.5 uA.


During the development I realized that time would get delayed only while the Camera was ON. While powered OFF, it was very accurate.


Further power consumption optimizations

In the previous design the PIC already included a pull up resistor of 10k at the SS pin for the SPI. This was introduced to prevent that the SPI module in the PIC would think it was “selected” at the time that the OPENMV was switched Off from power. The absence of the pull up had resulted in 20mA current from SDO to OPENMV pin (probably casused by the internal diods that pins have to protect that IO)

So while this Pull up was working well to prevent 20mA, I concluded it was accountable for 200uA. The solution was to feed it from another pin of the PIC. This makes the power OFF flow as follows:

  1. OPENMV is running, PIC is in normal operation
  2. OPENMV power is cut-off
  3. PIC is waiting for 10s to see if OPENMV is powered back ON. Pull kept to VDD. During this time SPI module is active, but idling, thanks to the pull up.
  4. PIC goes into low power consumption: Switches off the SPI module (set SDO also as input) and pull up is deactivated (Brought to VSS)

Finally, one more adjustment has been to lower the output of the MT3608 from 4.6V to 4.2V.

